Injectable Sustanon for Sale Information

Sustanon is a well know testosterone mixture. Testosterone Ester Ingredients contained in sustanon are; testosterone epropionate 30mg, testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg, testosterone isocaproate 60mg and estostero decanote 100mg.

Its use is to provide small and large ester testosterones together which are a hormone essential for their physical, mental, sexual well-being. The advantage of sustanon is that it’s able to maintain stable levels.

Use of Sustanon Injection
In males, it is used to improve the functioning of their sexual organs. It also functions as a booster for muscles, bones, pubic hair formation. Additionally, and it also helps in the production of red cells and deepening of men voice.

In females, it’s used in supportive therapy for transsexuals seeking to change from female to male in which it helps in the formation of male characteristics such as muscles, voice deepening etc.

Caution on Use of Sustanon Injection
It should not be administered to children of the age of 3 years and below.
Should not be used by pregnant women or lactating mothers.
It should also not be used by people with the following health condition; liver disease, high blood pressure, kidney problem, urinary tract issues, heart disease, headache, epilepsy and breathing problems.

Administration of Sustanon Injection
Suston is administered through injections on the muscle e.g. arm, leg and buttock

One should take between 250mg to 1000mg per week depending on the prescription and according to individual response to the medicine.

Side Effects
• High blood pressure which is a result of retention of water in the in the body.
• Excessive hair growth
• Mood swings
• Difficulty or pain when urinating.
• Change in sexual desire
• Muscle pain
• High blood pressure
• Fluid retention in the body
• Changes in the sexual desire
• Enlargement of the penis
• Enlargement of men breast
• Increased frequency of erection

Read more information at injectable sustanon for sale.